Our Trips
Every Rock, Crystal, Mineral and each Piece of Jewellery is hand selected by us. If we don't touch it we don't buy it! Because we make and polish alot of our own items for sale in the shop we also have to buy the raw material that we manufacture from. Once again we go to the source, then check each piece for fracture and defects before buying.
Over the years we have managed to meet and get to know our suppliers, so we have a good inside knowledge of where our material comes from, how it is collected and by whom. This is important to us as we sell a lot of our items to people for use in the healing arts. We want our rocks and crystals to be free from a negative history. We also support small family operators and avoid buying from big dominant companies.
We have a lot of fun buying and exploring new sources of rock material. This enables us to meet lots of fun and interesting people on our journeys.
Above left: Here's a young lady I met in Cuba!
Above right: El Castillo Pyramid, Chitcha Nitza, Yukatan Peninsula, Mexico
Above left: We also like to visit sacred and ancient sites, especially if they involve rocks.... Like these ancient stone monuments.
Above right: Climbing down from the Tikal Pyramind in the Guatemalan Jungle.
Above left: Here Andrew is collecting Pyrite at a tin mine. Locality Zeehan, Australia.
Above right: A natural near perfectly round rock, called a concretion.